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The Pacific Coast Immigration Museum has emerged from concept to reality as an on-line museum and your support now can make a real difference in building out the PCIM Website.

How to Donate
PCIM a registered nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift will be fully tax-deductible. Your check should be made out to "Pacific Coast Immigration Museum" and mailed to:

Pacific Coast Immigration Museum
c/o Ray Murray
National Park Service
333 Bush Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94104

You will receive a written acknowledgement of your gift for tax purposes. The PCIM will display an electronic register of donors and sponsors and honorees but will also respect any request for anonymity. PCIM does not trade or share the names or contact information of its donors to any other fundraising organizations groups or potential donor clearinghouses.

We offer you the following options for directing your contribution:
1.  Provide general support the Pacific Coast Immigration Museum
2.  Expand the Virtual Pacific Coast Immigration Museum Website
3.  Select and help grow a specific PCIM Website program of your choice
4.  Honor an individual immigrant or migrant to the Pacific Coast who is family or a friend on the PCIM Immigrants - Migrants Who Made a Difference Honor Register by country of origin

How to Volunteer
You can also make a difference by joining those who are volunteering their time, knowledge and research to add content and help "build out the virtual rooms and features of the Pacific Coast Immigration Museum". You can enlist as a PCIM volunteer by contacting Ray Murray at 415-623-2330 and negotiate how you can help develop needed content. Ray will help you match your interest to PCIM needs. You volunteer work will be acknowledged on the PCIM website and your volunteer work can also be acknowledged in any format required for course or curriculum credit.

Please contact Ray Murray at 415-623-2330 or for more information or answers to your questions about PCIM.
For more information: 510.817.1439  •
Copyright © 2012 Pacific Coast Immigration Museum